Saturday, 11 June 2011

Date Night Review

I hesitated to see this movie because I figured it would be another one of those run of the mill romantic comedies that looks like its going to be good but all of the good stuff was in the trailers.  Thankfully, I was wrong.  Don't get me wrong, it isn't a fantastic movie and it didn't blow me away.  But it is much more entertaining than I anticipated.  A lot of that has to do with the large number of big names that I didn't know were in this film.  It has James Franco, Mila Kunis, Mark Wahlberg and Ray Liotta.  And they all seem to work well in this setting.

As I mentioned, it isn't a movie that you'll want to watch over and over.  It is rather predictable and quite unrealistic.  Overall, the acting isn't fantastic but it isn't hard to watch.  This is especially true for the dynamic between Tina Fey and Steve Carrell.  Carrell is especially funny with his understated one liners.  Unlike many Will Ferrell or Zach Galifinakis movies, Date Night doesn't rely on that hook for all of its entertainment value.  You get enough of it to satisfy and that's it.  Finally, the film is the perfect length for the genre.  Everything gets wrapped up and you don't feel like it's dragging.

Because it is no longer in theatres and is available in a wide range of cheap to free options, I say see it.  It wouldn't be worth the money but it is worth the time.

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